Sunday, October 10, 2010

New Taxes

Below is a letter I've sent to my Congressmen and both of my Senators regarding HR 4646.
This bill, sponsored by PA Congress Critter Chaka Fatah, is currently in the possession of  the Hoiuse Committees on Ways and Means, Budget, Rules, and Appropriations. It's being fast tracked, which means 2 days after the House reconvenes it could be on the floor for a vote. The Senate versions, S. 2965 by Senator John Ensign (R-NV) and S. 2853 by Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND), are both in the Senate Budget Committee.  Conrad's bill only establishes the Commission that Fatah's bill calls for. Ensign's bill only establishes the Task Force that Fatah's bill calls for.

The House bill requires, if passed in the House, that Senate fast track the bill also.

Write your Congressional delegation. Raise hell. If your Congressman or Senator loses the election, write the new one demanding the bill be repealed. If it's passed it'll be by a lame duck Congress who doesn't give a damn because most of them are being fired anyway!

The bill may seem innocuous, after all, it's only 1% for 2011. But couldn't it be 5% in 2012 and 10% in 2013? The original Income Tax bill was only 6%, only on the Wealthy, and only to help pay for WWI. We know how that bill turned out don't we!

This is how the bill effects me. It taxes my disability income, it taxes my medical expenses, it taxes my charitable contributions, it taxes my alimony, it taxes presents for my grand children.

Dear Mr. Rahall,

HR 4646, if it comes to a vote must be defeated.

Under this bill $160 per year would come from my VA Disability; $153 a year from my Social Security; $228 from my Navy Pension; $192 from my salary. Those are all direct deposited into my bank, and ONLY total $733 a year. But...that's just going in, not coming out.

Coming out is $530 on normal spending plus $263 on credit cards (1% when I use the card, 1% when I make the payment). That's $1,526 a year, or 2% of my after FIT income.

So, you're increasing my FIT, you've increased my medicare from 0 to $1332 per year ( Idon't use Medicare - I use VA and Tricare, but in order to use Tricare I must Medicare Part B), add this tax to the state sales tax, plus property tax, plus state income tax, plus Federal and State gasoline tax. Can I afford that? I'm on a fixed income, to which the Feds are not granting a COLA this year, plus a state salary which is also not being increased this year (and is smaller than my Navy pension).

As if that's not bad enough, if I mail my granddaughter a check, for any reason, my bank must charge me 1% when the check clears, and my daughter's bank charges her 4 year old 1% to cash it!

This is bogus sir. If it goes through and is signed into law I'm not sure if the public will stand for it!

Spread the word.

God bless the USA, outside the beltway!

Gunner Sends

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